Indigo Pathway

Vermont Tech, Randolph Center

Training Overview

Vermont is one of the leaders in the nationwide craft distilling boom. This course will bring you in direct contact with a variety of processes involved in building, operating, and working in the distilling industry.

Through lectures, demonstrations, distillery visits, and hands-on experience, you’ll learn about:

The course emphasizes scratch distillation of high-quality spirits from local ingredients and touches on such details as:

You’ll also learn about variety of products, business models, scales, and construction types for distilleries.

At the end of the training, you’ll be asked to make a brief, casual presentation that reflects your particular and draws from experiences you’ve encountered throughout the week.

Training Design and Instruction

The training was developed by, Duncan Holaday, a pioneer in the craft distilling movement and founder of Dunc’s Mill Distillery in Barnet, the first distillery in Vermont since Prohibition. The training is directed and instructed by, Dave Mosher, of Garden Spirits Distilling LLC. Dave is a distilling protégé, apprentice, student, and friend of Duncan’s. He has a vast knowledge of the New England distilling scene and is in the process of starting Black Flannel Distilling Essex, Vermont.



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