Indigo Pathway

SUNY Maritime College

SUNY Maritime College educates dynamic leaders for the global marine transportation industry, the business of shipping, engineering, energy, facilities management, finance, the armed forces and public service. Students choose from 11 undergraduate majors, including five ABET-accredited engineering programs, and two master’s degree programs. Located 30 minutes from mid-town Manhattan, students participate in 17 varsity athletic teams and more than 40 clubs and organizations, ROTC options and U.S. Coast Guard license programs. The license program prepares students to navigate, power and operate marine vessels.

Across all of the college’s programs and activities, the hallmark of a SUNY Maritime education is learning by doing. This distinctive, hands-on approach attracts students who roll up their sleeves to prepare for personal and professional success through their studies, extracurriculars and job preparation.

Maritime College is in the second year of implementing its strategic plan, “Charting a New Course.” The plan emerged over the course of 18 months in consultation with stakeholder groups including alumni, industry executives, faculty, staff and corporate recruiters. The plan contains a robust and dynamic series of goals and actions that will prepare the college, its students and the industries we serve for a rapidly changing world.


Maritime College will be recognized as the leading maritime educational institution.


•  Academic Excellence – Maritime College is committed to the pursuit of excellence in teaching, scholarship, and research

•  Student-Centeredness – Maritime College is committed to an environment that values student success, development and personal growth

•  Integrity – Maritime College is committed to principles of integrity and ethics in all aspects of our operations

•  Respect – Maritime College embraces diversity & inclusion, and celebrates the unique contributions of all

•  Leadership – Maritime College is committed to providing multiple leadership development opportunities for all students

•  Applied Learning – Maritime College programs and majors are infused with hands-on, experiential learning opportunities

•  Relevance – Maritime College has an adaptive curriculum that responds to the complex and evolving needs of the maritime industry

Bachelor’s degrees:

Associate’s degree:

Master’s degrees:


At Maritime College, each academic program emphasizes hands-on experiences that expands classroom learning. Every student chooses to complete credit-bearing professional internships or earn a U.S. Coast Guard license.

Upon graduation, students are prepared to launch their careers.


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