Indigo Pathway

Northern California Cement Masons Apprenticeship

The Northern California Cement Masons apprenticeship program offers paid training to learn cement masonry with hands-on job experience. Demand for well-trained Cement Masons in California has never been higher. California needs its transportation infrastructure rebuilt. Our water delivery system needs upgrading. Contractors are struggling to find enough trained Cement Masons to do the job. Cement Masonry is designated as a “green trade” and is part of the Green Construction process. You’ll complete 432 related training hours over three (3) years. These classes explore the uses and applications of concrete, everything from labor history to estimating to finishing patios to Green Concrete Construction.
In addition, you will complete 4,200 on-the-job training hours, refining and demonstrating hands-on skills with a qualified journeyperson. You’ll get the most benefit from experienced journeypersons, who’ve been where you are and want to help you succeed. See “On-the-Job Training” below for an hourly breakdown.

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