Indigo Pathway

Singularity University

Singularity University is a global learning and innovation community using exponential technologies to tackle the world’s biggest challenges and build a better future for all.

Our collaborative platform empowers individuals and organizations across the globe to learn, connect, and innovate breakthrough solutions using accelerating technologies like artificial intelligence, robotics, and digital biology. We offer educational programs, courses, and summits; enterprise strategy, leadership, and innovation programs; programs to support and scale startups and promote social impact; and online news and content. The SU community includes entrepreneurs, corporations, global nonprofits, governments, investors, and academic institutions in more than 127 countries. With over 5,000 impact initiatives, our community is driving positive change in the areas of health, environment, security, education, energy, food, prosperity, water, space, disaster resilience, shelter, and governance.

We Have a Massive Transformative Purpose

We’re building a better future together

Over the next 30 years, we’ll encounter some of the greatest transitions that any generation has ever had to face. Technological disruption is already affecting every part of our lives…every business, every industry, every society…even what it means to be “human.” These changes show no signs of slowing down; in fact, they’re accelerating rapidly.

The world urgently needs a new mindset and toolset to overcome the challenges of technological disruption. We empower leaders of major corporations, world governments, nonprofits, startups, and others to solve humanity’s biggest challenges by helping them develop this mindset—an exponential mindset—and apply emerging technologies to create a better and more equitable future for us all.

We’re on a Journey from Inspiration to Impact

Are you in?

SU was founded on the premise that the world’s greatest problems are the world’s greatest opportunities. We deeply believe that the world has all the necessary ingredients to tackle our biggest challenges and create abundance for all. We have the visionaries, the teachers, the technologies, the makers, and the capital. There are millions of people across the globe who are working tirelessly to create positive change.

When all of these ingredients combine, the possibility for impact becomes exponential. We are a platform for promoting new ways of thinking and innovating, a launchpad for emerging ventures, and a powerful global community of doers and leaders—all poised to solve humanity’s biggest problems.

Our community is growing by the day. We’d like you to join us on our journey from inspiration to impact.

Get involved

Join the SU Global Community

The SU Global Community connects individuals that want to understand and explore current and future technologies to improve human lives and all aspects of society.

Members want to leverage new skills, perspectives, insights, and connections to positively impact their industries, companies, governments, local communities, and families.Register Now – It’s Free

A global community of curious, creative, and courageous individuals like you.

Grow Your Network

Connect with interesting people who represent a wide range of backgrounds, perspectives, expertise, geographies, and job functions.

Expand Your Thinking

Informative content about the technologies and tools shaping the future to reinvent your organization, teach your students, change careers, or launch an impact startup.

Exchange Ideas

Address local and global challenges like food security, workforce automation, global pandemics, and more.

Be Inspired

With other purpose-driven individuals who care about creating a better, more equitable world for all.

Relevant + Engaging Discussions

Topics including emerging technology and science, as well as global challenges and initiatives.

Within the Community, you can:


Join thought provoking conversations.Connect

Converse with other community members.Contribute

Join in on group conversations and debates.Learn

Stay up to date with the latest news and insights.Engage

Be the first to know about upcoming SU events around the world.

Join the SU Global Community

Register Now – It’s Free

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