Indigo Pathway

U.S Air Force ROTC


We are dedicated to developing leaders of tomorrow who will go on to fulfill the Air Force MISSION, represent our CORE VALUES, and live up to the rich HISTORY of Air Force ROTC.


  1. LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES: In Air Force ROTC you will not only learn the principles of leadership in the classroom, but you will put them into practice outside of the classroom through hands-on management experience and valuable leadership-building exercises.
  2. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: To prepare for a career as an Air Force officer, cadets take courses that focus on the importance of effective leadership, application of leadership concepts, and the role of a military leader in today’s society.


  1. START AS A MANAGER: Joining AFROTC gives you the opportunity to enter the Air Force as an officer and leader, which means you will have the responsibility of a management position straight out of college.
  2. SALARY & BENEFITS: When you enter the Air Force after AFROTC, you’ll be able to take advantage of ongoing educational opportunities and advanced career and leadership training. You will also receive excellent pay and benefits including healthcare, a housing allowance, and travel opportunities
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