Indigo Pathway

Year Up

Year Up brings talented young adults and top companies together to launch careers, power business, and build community. Turn one year of training and corporate connections into the career you want. Our corporate partners include Salesforce, Microsoft, GE, Facebook, Kaiser Permanente, Amazon, Pay Pal, and more.

Our one-year program includes:

In the future, every young adult will be able to reach their full potential.

Year Up’s mission is to close the Opportunity Divide by ensuring that young adults gain
the skills, experiences, and support that will empower them to reach their potential
through careers and higher education.

Our core values guide our work:

The “Opportunity Divide”

Talent in America is spread evenly, but opportunity is not. Today, over 5 million young adults are cut off from any real path to a stable career — despite having the talent and drive to achieve more. At the same time, American businesses face a crippling skills gap of 12 million jobs through 2025 and desperately need more skilled workers. The good news? There’s a proven solution.

Discover more about the “Opportunity Divide” and how Year Up, our partners, and supporters are making a difference.

Closing the Divide

By providing young adults with the professional and technical skills hiring companies need, we ensure they can launch successful professional careers, while providing American businesses with an untapped source of bright, motivated young talent.

A Proven Path

Two years after Year Up, our alumni earn 40% more on average than similar young adults.What is the Opportunity Divide?



Average starting annual salary of Year Up grads29,000+

Students served90%

Of grads employed and/or enrolled in postsecondary education within 4 months of graduation35

across U.S.90%

Satisfaction rating from managers of Year Up interns

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