Exploring Career Fields: Information Technology

Indigo Best Career Pathway Test

Information Technology

Information technology is one of the fastest growing industries today. Information technology career pathways are incredibly broad, and include branches like computer programming, web development, and networking. With the rapid expansion of tech startups and similar organizations, pursuing a tech job, even without a degree, offers security and benefits that you won’t find in other industries. The tech industry’s continued growth and the accelerated development of new technologies let you get an income quickly, whether it’s your primary income or something on the side. In addition, the rapid expansion and desire for qualified employees means there are lots of eligible high paying tech jobs without a degree needed.

Tech jobs are great fits for people who enjoy logic, solving problems, and seeing the immediate results of their work. In technology-focused jobs, you may get to build computer hardware, create programs and applications, learn different computer languages, and/or work as part of a team on creative and practical projects. Getting into the field has never been easier. While some companies once required traditional 4-year degrees, many companies offer tech jobs without a degree required to individuals with specialized certificates from bootcamps or accelerated learning programs.

Read more on the Pathway industry page: https://www.indigopathway.com/database/information-technology-career-pathways/

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